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TCA is an excellent peel for mature sun damaged skins and can be used as a spot treatment to help reduce solar lentigines (brown spots). There is downtime with TCA depending on how many layers have been applied & skin must be cared for correctly.

Expect day 1-3 tightening mild to moderate erythema (redness) & possible swelling, day 2-5 skin crusting & darkening in patches, day 2-10 visible exfoliation that cannot be picked off.

How many treatments will I need?

You will see a difference an improvement on the skin after 1 session.  Depending on the degree of sun damage and how many layers are applied will determine how many sessions that will be needed.  TCA can be performed every 2-3 weeks.

$160 per treatment including Ultimate Recovery Bio-Cellulose Hydration Face Mask & 20mins LED Light Therapy.


$50 Spot Treatment (multiple spots)

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